What I've been wearing lately

Several trainers would be happy to know that the purple breeches are RETIRED It's been a while since I've delved into my fashion tastes. Not a purposeful move, but ever since Polyvore dissolved, I haven't felt particularly motivated. I'm also not super keen on using the copycat platforms because if they too dissolve, then I'll be left with near empty posts, like all of my Fashion Thursday ones are now. Curse you, internet! But anyways, it's easy to see that my style has changed a lot since starting this blog. So much so, that I even purged my old fashion board on Pinterest to scrub clean any remnants of my "live, laugh, love" era. So what era am I in now? Thrifting & Drop Shipping. Which, yeah, are inherently opposites. I have found some cool, good quality items on Aliexpress (and some complete duds), and I scrounge Facebook Marketplace almost daily (mostly for furniture, sometimes for tack too). Right now, I'm in the market for a wide noseband...