Product Review: Every Single Dressage Saddle

Before I begin this review, or, rather, scientific analysis, I guess I should go over my credentials: - riding for 4.5 years - keeps all 7 saddle pads meticulously organized - once had 20+ refusals over two courses but still won the hack Now that we've established some ethos, I'd like to make a claim: Dressage saddles suck. Why, exactly, do I need a seat deeper than a Jaden Smith tweet? Can you give me one valid reason why the knee block has to be as big as my bicep (AN: my biceps are big)? We're already aware that such a lengthy stirrup doesn't work for my stubby little legs, and don't even get me started on the billets. If that's not enough, please refer to the figure below: I rest my case. In conclusion, Dressage saddles are surprisingly enjoyable, even if you've ridden in nothing but jumping saddles with the occasional western saddle for most of your career. I'm not sure why everyone isn't doing this. They're missing out. I will...