Actual, literal journaling

Because I finally got my minimalist bits journal from Darcy White Designs!

I don't believe I said this earlier, but I plan on bullet journaling during the summer to keep better track of my rides. In the beginning, this blog was quite useful in helping me become more aware of my fall backs; that being said, in the time between riding and writing, I still have the tendency to let my emotions get the best of me. Take these posts with a grain of salt.

My plan for setting it up is to focus on a whole week of rides/workouts rather than getting super duper into one ride and not being able to connect and compare it with the next. I plan on writing everything directly after my rides, before my emotions have time to cloud my judgement. The key items would be strengths and weaknesses for that day with the idea being those that repeat are my overall strengths/weaknesses (and we already know about some). I would also include inconsistencies, such as new issues that arise either with myself or the horse, and try to hypothesize solutions. Outside of those items, I would also include any useful analogies/sayings that help me remember to do something a certain way.

At the end of the week, everything gets synthesized. Repeated strengths/weaknesses get recorded, and a plan for the next week is made. I may or may not post those on here. It just depends on what happens on Sunday. If I ever plan on doing specific exercises rather than focusing on something for the week, then I put those right next to the day.

This is my new, literal riding journal. Also, in order to keep myself thinking forward, I made myself a little inspirational coloring page.


  1. You'll have to post some spreads when you are working on them :P

    1. Oh yes yes yes! I think I'll actually start it next week :)

  2. just the act of writing everything down can be so cathartic - hope it helps you stick to your goals!

    1. I'm really excited for this. I'm all about finding new ways to improve :D

  3. Replies
    1. I'm hoping it works well enough that I can file it with all my other sports psychology things :)


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