Awesome Sauce

My second favorite sauce. It's pretty good, but not as good as chimichurri.

It's been fairly cold here this week, and Friday was no exception. Big Baby Romeo was doubled up in blankets because he is clipped & nakey, and we can't let the baby get cold. He was much more forward and not in a bad way. He was working fairly well into the bridle. His mouth was a lot softer than last week, and his canter was a lot more together. I still can't do much of anything when I go to the right (even while I'm typing this, I can feel that stupid collapse), but w/e, he was trying his best.

He jumped pretty well, too. For the most part, I was focusing on him and not myself because his forward carried over from the flatwork, and he took a few of those long spots, which are too grown up for Lil' Baby Roro. Our first attempt at cantering two consecutive fences was a struggle because of too long a distance to the first fence, then I barely got it together for the second fence. He ended up breaking and then I jumped way too far ahead, but that was our only real "disaster" of the day. He went through the 5 stride line twice perfectly. The second time through, I focused on my equitation, and I can now confirm that if I focus enough I can look the part. Now to figure out that whole practical application thing . . .

I swear he loves my nicknames


  1. ha, crazy how focusing on a thing actually helps that thing.... i just had that little re-epiphany (bc apparently the lesson never stays learned) when we were doing a crazy follow-the-leader jump exercise and i was so busy trying to keep my mare from running over everyone in front of her that i wasn't bothering to actually equitate. but then, when i remembered, suddenly the mare went better...crazy, no?

    1. I noticed that as soon as I support myself and stay back, I can actually, ya know, maintain control on the takeaway, cause that's important on large, baby horses.


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