My issue with myself

Despite going to numerous winter shows and freezing my buns off, I still found it necessary to not once but twice join teams that only show (for the most part) in the winter.Why can't I be rich and at WEF?

So yeah, as I said earlier, it's been a cold week, and yesterday was both the end of the week and the coldest day yet. A quite large and strong winter wind had been brewing, and of course it just had to make it's appearance on a show day. Yippee. New rule: if the "Feels Like" temperature is 4x less than the actual temperature, don't go outside. Defrosting myself was a long process.

Since I wasn't chosen to show, I was chosen to school. Murry was first up, and I was a bit worried cause he was somewhat hype in his stall, but my suspicions were proven wrong. He was laidback in the ring, even with all the people in there. I did have a close call with someone else, and our legs nicked each others pretty hard, but the horses were fine. Murry did a fine w/t/c with great transitions, then it was on to Penny who schooled just as well. I've never ridden her before, but she was a simple, straightforward ride.

The rest of the day was spent holding horses, getting riders on, taking riders off, tacking, untacking, and, finally, turning out. My three holds for the day ended up being Vick, then Lionel, then Kodi, who was arguably the best because he didn't get angry at everything.

And, you better believe I broke out those rust breeches because 'tis the season and also cause I can.


  1. ugh i definitely don't miss those long ihsa show days in the bitter cold.... tho actually a couple farms in our zone had heated barns and arenas...


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