First there was Thursday

Please accept my apologies for my absence. School and ponies have been taking up my blogging time (and my sleeping time, for chrissake).

This past Thursday, I took my usual lesson on Baby. She was being used in the lesson just prior to mine, so I couldn't change my saddle before the lesson began, and I've started to become stingy about riding in something other than the Stubben. Then, of course, only one stirrup had a hole that was the perfect length for my leg. I decided to go short for the day since we were going to jump. We did the usual walk, trot, and canter, and we worked on our transitions, then we did a couple of low fences. Before the sunlight left, we worked on a circle of fences, which was fine minus a bad distance to the second fence, then we head inside to finish the lesson.

When we got inside, Miss S had us do a pattern where we sit trot between the first two cones, then counter canter between cones two & three, then regular canter between cones three & four, and halt at the end of the ring. I think we did it two or three times, and Baby was great each time. We added two fences, another halt, and a back through to the end of the pattern, and then the lesson was over.

My main focus was still relaxation and using my legs as opposed to my hands. My hands are still more active than I'd like, but, now that I ride with less contact, whenever my hands do start to move around, they don't do much of anything. They're just awkwardly in the air.


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