October's 10 Questions

Thank you, L. Williams, for giving me something to post until my next ride, which won't be until Friday, and I don't feel like writing up a whole review.

1. How many pairs of breeches/jods do you own? Only six—one pair of Tuffriders, one Equine Couture, one from Annie's, my winter Romfh pair, then two pairs of Tredsteps. I want more.
u will b mine
. How many horses have you ridden? Okay, let's start from the beginning:
• Enrique
• Deadline
• T Baby
• Riddler
• Cheyenne
• Beau
• Trace
• April
• Splash
• Todd
• Chess
• Molly
• Skye
• Duke
• Zoey
• Blue
• Fisher
• Baby
• Mert
• Lady
• Jazzie
• Buddy
• Seren
• Enzo
• Sanibel
• Dusty
• Leo
• Twister
• That one horse in Costa Rica
• and I sat on Gracie once, but by the time I was riding I was too big for her
Survey says 29. I've only been riding 3.5 years. This is a bit excessive.
April and me circa maybe 2012
3. How many trainers have you had? I've trained with five people in the past. That's including the camp I did the summer after seventh grade. Miss S was my first regular trainer.

4. How many barns have you ridden at? Five again, one barn for each trainer.

5. What is the name of the horse you consider yourself to have the greatest bond with? Although I'm not seriously in love with her, probably Zoey. She puts a whole heck of a lot of trust in me, and, while I don't reciprocate, I did try to always make her feel comfortable with whatever I asked her to do.

6. What is your favorite show name you’ve ever encountered? Driver's Ed. He was a pony I came across on a tumblr post. Apparently, the little girl riding him said that they called him Driver's Ed because he taught people how to ride. I thought that was too precious.
Lumpsinmyoatmeal will always be special too
7. What do you consider your greatest weakness or flaw in riding? Is all of the above an option? Honestly, probably my hands. It's been a recurring problem that's kind of gotten worse for the past three years, and it reached its worst point this summer, but I've been actively trying to improve them. I do not like my heavy puppy paws.

8. What do you consider to be your greatest strength? My seat isn't half bad.
I blame my bareback summer
9. Have you ever leased a horse? Technically I'm leasing Baby. It's not contracted, but I work in exchange for a ride, so that's that.
Perpetually unimpressed
10. What is the name of the first horse you rode? I call him Enrique because I was in Mexico at the time, and I was 11, but I actually don't know what his name was.
"Enrique" on the left


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